So that you can enjoy your bouquet for as long as possible, it is best to heed the following tips:
- Never cut open the tying point of bouquets. In this way, they retain their floral design and last longer.
- Choose the vase so that the stems are in the water up to the tying point. Basic rule: the height of the vase should be one third of the total height of the bouquet.
- Remove leaves that are in the water.
- Find a location that is as cool and draught-free as possible. If this is not possible during the day, give your bouquet a cool place at least during the night.
- Avoid when choosing a location: blazing sun, proximity to radiators or fruit, location behind window panes.
- Check the amount of water every day and top up if necessary.
- Remove individual flowers that have already faded. These speed up the natural process of withering.
- When you receive the bouquet from us, it is professionally trimmed so that the flowers absorb the water quickly and well.
However, you can prolong the life of the bouquet if you cut the stems diagonally again after a few days with a sharp knife (no scissors!).